Fishing (or Fishy?) Stories

Ocean Fishing... Stan & Leone (Mikkelson) Zimmerman with their halibut & king salmon from Pacific NW waters..reported.. "We have had a great time cruising and learning to catch crab, shrimp, salmon and halibut" ... the kings run in the 40 to 50 lb class while the largest halibut was 163lbs.

If you like Big Fish Stories check out these sites..

Alaska Out Door Journal
Alaska Fishing Charters
Walleyes...Mike McManus... January-04..Big Stone Lake... ice fishing report says...

"caught this Walleye while fishing with my son and daughter-in -law. It weighed 8 pounds and measured 27 1/2 inches long. She went back into the water within seconds of taking the photo.

Big Stone Lake is a border lake between SD and MN. The ice is 20 inches thick on the lake.
In case you do not remember how cold it gets around here it was -7 degrees F when we went onto the ice but had warmed up to about +5 when the fish hit"
Canadian Lakes... Bill & Bob Stofft showing off their walleye & pike from Jan Lake in Northern Saskatchewan.
(Left) Kermit Born & Dean Bryson pose with northern pike taken on Enemy Swim near Kermit's summer place...

(Right) Mondloch party hauled in over 400lbs of albacore during a recent 4 day trip out of San Diego.. Here Joe poses with one going into the tank...
Someone out there has the next great fishing tale... how about a marlin story...

(Ray are you listening ?)
waiting for a marlin story
Other Fishing Memories... Kermits Pic's Family Fishing Pic's