Middelton, Richard: 1937-2004

Obituary from Memorial Service held at the Risen Savior Catholic Church, Burnsville, MN.

Dick Middleton has left the physical world, but great memories of him will live on in those that were fortunate enough to know him. Dick is survived by wife Vreny; sons Eric, John and Mark; daughter-in-laws Jacque and Shayla; grandsons Justin and Parker; and a ton of friends.

“We were sad to see him go and will think of him everyday, but we are very grateful for the time we had and to have had such a wonderful man in our lives” his family said.

Dick believed he had a fantastic life and crossed over with no regrets other than a bit of sadness about missing watching his grandsons grow up and those future fun times yet to be had with family and friends.

Dick retired at 57 from a job he enjoyed at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota for 27 years. He and Vreny had just completed building a beautiful cabin in Idaho where Elk and deer come right up to the house. Dick felt fortunate that he didn’t find out about cancer until it was too late as they would most likely not have built this dream home nestled amongst the Ponderosa pines.

Dick enjoyed waking up to coffee and CNBC followed by a day of doing one of his favorite activities. Be it golfing, fishing, hunting, hiking, building or playing bridge. He loved time spent with his family and friends.