Things I Didn't Know About...

South Dakota Events
Archeology.. "Sue" the T-Rex fossil discovered near Faith, SD in 1990 and requiring years of litigation to establish her ownership would go on to fetch $8.4 million..and find a new home in Chicago's Field Museum...finally at rest again after 67 million years.. thanks to the generosity of McDonald's Corporation and Walt Disney World Resorts.
Sue's Home Page
Tourism.. A Harley Davidson Rally would become the largest event in SD history by attracting over 350,000 visitors in 1990 and establishing Sturgis as the "Motorcycle Mecca" of the country.
Wall Drug Wins...after years of court battles & politics, eventually prevails and is allowed to have all those ubiquitous signs along Interstate 90. This family business is currently operated by the founder's grandson
Stratospheric.. In 1935 (before most of us were born) man would actually observe the curvature of the earth from a Black Hills balloon ascent to 72,395 altitude record that lasts until 1956 (after we graduate!)
Discoveries...In 1913 a group of high school students discover the first "calling card" left by French-Canadian trappers on the Missouri bluffs near Pierre one hundred & seventy years earlier.