Meal Tickets Meal Tickets similar to those used in the school system are used by
the project and we encourage their use. Up to 20 meals can be purchased in private, in
advance, at a time convenient to the user. The purchase price for all meal tickets is
determined by the user. Meal tickets will not be issued for fewer than 10 meals; tickets
expire one year from the date of issue. Refunds are made upon request.
EBT Cards These cards, formerly known as food stamp coupons, are accepted by
the project and can be used to purchase meal tickets. Gift Certificates Certificates are available for purchase by persons other than the
user for the Full Cost of the meal(s). The certificate makes a nice gift for those seniors
who have everything, for those seniors in need of good nutrition, for those seniors in
need of social interaction or for those seniors who need a helping hand. Funding The Senior Meals Program is a joint venture of Federal, State and Local resources. The authorization and financial base for the program originates with the Federal Older Americans Act of 1965. Federal funding has two primary sources 1) Title III-C of the Older Americans Act, in the Health and Human Resources Department and 2) The commodity supplemental feeding program in the Department of Agriculture. All Federal funding is funneled through
the Department of Social Services in the State of South Dakota. The
State is responsible for distributing the Federal funds to several
non-profit organizations for implementation of the program statewide.
State officials are also responsible for monitoring the program and
providing technical and financial support. Local resources currently provide the majority of the funds necessary to operate the program. Meal donations received from the seniors using the meal service provide the bulk of local resources; other incidental meal services generated by the program contribute good support for the program. County and City Governments also provide critical cash match. A minimum of 10% local cash matching of the government money is required by State Officials, so annual fundraising is necessary; the 2021 fundraising goal is $74,000.. The Project employs a variety of fundraising events with two primary sources 1) A Local Supporter Card Drive each spring and 2) a Direct Mail plea during the holiday season. Fundraising is critical to the maintenance of the program and with recent reductions in government funding, local funding beyond the 10% match requirement is needed to maintain operations. The Area IV Senior Nutrition Project is a private non-profit corporation and donations to the Project are tax-deductible to the extent the law allows. Donations can be sent to the Area IV Senior Nutrition Project, 405 8th Ave NW #203A, Aberdeen, SD 57401. Please call 605-229-4741 with your questions or e-mail us at |